Monday, July 5, 2010

St. Maria Goretti: A Story of Courage, Reconcilliation, and the Value of Chastity

On this day, July 6, the Church celebrates the feast of Saint Maria Goretti. Her story is familiar to some. She was twelve years old when she was martyred defending her virginity. There are some who'll read this and not be familiar with the full story. It is worth telling for in it we are reminded that human sexuality is a treasured gift. We also see the power of forgiveness. Lastly, we will see redemption is the most beautiful form.

Maria was born in Corinaldo, Ancona, Italy on October 16, 1890. Her father moved the family to a town near Anzio. The family struggled with poverty. When she was young, Maria's father died of Malaria. Her mother struggled to feed the family. The neighbors had a son named Alexander. In 1902, Alexander, then 18, grabbed Maria from behind and tried to rape her. Maria told Alexander she'd rather die. He responded by stabbing her.

This point should give us pause. This young lady understood the value of her purity. She was unwilling to be so dishonored. That being said, it is very difficult to have courage in the face of death. For rape victims, it is important to remember that it was the other person who violated you and that it is no fault of yours. This is why Maria is the patroness of rape victims.

Having laid out this important little tidbit, it still is a remarkable example of just how much value our sexuality holds. She sets an example (in the extreme as many do) of the fact that this is not a gift to be neglected, but rather cherished and protected. This stands for men as well. It is important that men truly protect the dignity of women. Alexander is a man who was ready to deface it, as far too many are. Men should see the beauty of a woman as the human manifestation of the beauty of God. Thus men will be filled with a greater level of respect and things like this will not occur.

That being said, I digress. The story does not end there. On her death bed Maria forgave Alexander for the deed. Yes that is right, she forgave the man who killed her. In this she offers us an example of forgiveness rarely seen. Remember Christ said, "forgive them Father for they know not what they do," when he was about to be crucified.

Yet there is another part to this story. This is where the power of forgiveness comes in and this is where the intercession of the saints in Heaven is displayed. It is also redemptive in its quality. Alexander, the man who committed the act was sentenced to 30 years in prison. He remained unrepentant for years. One night Maria came to him in a dream. He was in a garden and she brought him flowers. When he woke up, he repented. On the day of her canonization, he was present in Vatican square in tears. That is right, the man who had once committed murder was shedding tears of joy for the person he once killed was now recognized as a saint.

His is the story of redemption. Also it highlights the fact that Maria's forgiveness reached beyond death. Through her intercession, Alexander was brought back to the mercy of God. Thus also we are again reminded of the love God has for us all. We are His children and we have just to run to Him and He embraces us. Alexander was not only reconciled but he also experienced authentic conversion. He experienced sincere repentance. The power of this is beyond measure.

So there you have it. The story of an extraordinary young woman and the story of the man who took her life. Displayed in it are the virtue of courage, the grace of forgiveness, and the utter redemptive power of God. Let us bear in mind these things throughout this day and always. Saint Maria Goretti, patron saint of virgins and rape victims, pray for us!

facts courtesy of this web page:

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