Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The True Meaning of St.. Patricks Day

Today is March 17, which means it is St. Patrick's Day. As we know this has often been seen as day of excessive drinking and irresponsible behavior. Like many other days of significance, it has become overly commercialized. In this way we have often forgotten the meaning.

So what is St. Patrick's Day really all about? Actually the better question is who is it about? The answer is one of the greatest saints. Saint Patrick was a bishop in Ireland. He was sent to Ireland in order to minister primarily to non-christians (although he ministered to the small number of christians as well). In order to spread the gospel message and bring people to the faith, he used the rituals already in place and incorparated. For instance he used fire to celebrate Easter, because that is what the Irish did to worship their gods. In fact this tradition can still be seen at the Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday. Of course the even greater result of his work was the conversion of many to Christianity.

So let us now pause and reflect on the true meaning of this wonderful feast day. It is to honor a man who by God's grace brought Christianity to non-Christians. He lived for the gospel message and due to his merits the grace of God, he is recognized as a saint. May we take this day to pay homage and respect our Lord who gave us Saint Patrick as an example.

Saint Patrick, pray for us.

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